DEX for Android


Other Projects
DEX for Windows Phone
DEX for Android
Istoria Romanilor
User Manager Dictionary (UDM)


DEX for Android is an offline and online Romanian explanatory dictionary - Dictionar Explicativ Roman based on the database.



For the online version only the 1st step is needed. Step two is in case you need to access DEX even when you don't have an active Internet connection.

  1. Install DEX by using your Android phone to navigate to the market here Android Market (Phone) or here Android Market (Web)
  2. Install automatically the offline database (on the internal card) by choosing the last option 'Download file' from the 'Preferences' screeen
    Install manually the offline database - see tutorial. This method does not work for Android 11+.

Install widget

For the widget to work you need to:

  1. install DEX application on the internal memory - the widget won't work if you move the app to the external card (limitation from Android)
  2. install automatically the offline database (on the internal card) by choosing the last option 'Download file' prom the 'Preferences' screeen
  3. install manually the offline database from here
  4. configure the database path in DEX app, menu option Preferences. The database path can be /sdcard/dex.dict or sdcard/external_sd/dex.dict or where ever you want.You can also copy the database file to the external micro SD card.


DEX for Android Main
DEX for Android Context Menu

DEX for Android Preferences
DEX for Android Wordlist

DEX pentru Android Hangman
DEX pentru Android Word mill

DEX pentru Android Word of the Day
DEX pentru Android Word of the Month

DEX pentru Android Top Words
DEX pentru Android A Rich Life

DEX for Android Widget
DEX for Android About

Release history

DEX 114

+ user interface improvements (smaller icons, new font Lato)
+ performance improvements

DEX 113

* bugfixing

DEX 112

* bugfixing

DEX 111

* bugfixing

DEX 110

* bugfixing

DEX 109

+ added cloud backup for History, Favourites and games scores - now you can uninstall the app and your data is not lost + the score "Number of searches" from the Profile screen is divided by 3 because of a bug
+ added Champions - the hottest of the friends
+ Champions 🏆 icon can be deactivated in the Preferences screen
+ changed the chat/Intelligent Friends server
+ receive notification if someone answers to you in chat/Intelligent Friends

DEX 108

+ small ui improvements

DEX 107

* bugfixing

DEX 106

+ updated Privacy Policy
+ user will agree to the Privacy Policy before authenticating in the application

DEX 105

+ Word of the Day can show animated images (gifs)
+ small UI improvements

DEX 104

+ adăugat Politica de Confidențialitate în ecranul Despre (swipe est până la sfârșit)
+ toate link-urile folosesc https

DEX 103

* bugfixing

DEX 102

* bugfixing

DEX 101

* bugfixing

DEX 100

* reparat bug - crash la căutare pe ecranul principal, pe unele telefoane
* schimbat numerotarea versiunilor din în VVV

DEX 20.5

* fixed bug - crash on main screen after search, on some phones
* changed version numbering from to VVV

DEX 20.3

* emergency release, server down

DEX 20.2

* emergency release, server down

DEX 20.1

* bugfix: Android 11 microphone

DEX 20

+ added new section PRI-Video
+ Word Mill can search the word after guessing
+ Hangman show definition for a short while
+ Word of The Day notification now contains the definition
+ small UI improvements

DEX 19.9

+ in order to reduce the SPAM of stupid children and "adults", only veteran users can write messages to Intelligent Friends
+ searching words using diacritics when online - results are ordered differently for "român" and "roman"
* bug fix - keyboard did not disappear after search, on one occasion

DEX 19.8

+ added user statistics/titles - see ex Community screen, now Intelligent Friends
+ added filtering/prioritizing by dictionaries (Preferences screen)
+ show keyboard on start (Preferences screen)
+ Open Sans font shows comma instead of cedilla

DEX 19.3

+ eliminated sdcard permission request on startup
+ offline database is copied internally, no more need for sdcard permission
+ update Android R permission - affected: offline database, word list, share definition as image

DEX 19

+ new permission RECORD_AUDIO: if you want to use voice instead of typing
+ added new icon on the home screen to start the application directly going to microphone (see Preferences - install shortcut on start screen) required permission INSTALL_SHORTCUT
+ added Community rules
+ warning user to read the rules before posting to Community
+ added copyright for images in Word of the Day/Month

DEX 18.8

+ updated border of permissions, in order to protect you from the users who abuse the Community

DEX 18.7

+ border of permissions introduced, in order to protect you from the users who abuse the Community
+ better support for different device models
+ small improvements

DEX 18.6

+ fixed crash for Android 16/17 4.4.2

DEX 18.5

+ fixed Sqlite exceptions
+ small improvements

DEX 18.4

+ fixed OutOfMemory bug for widgets
+ fixed bug - application was running only in portrait mode
+ small improvements

DEX 18.3

+ added possibility to reply to a community message
+ reworked Community so that it uses local database

DEX 18.2

+ better Community support

DEX 18

+ changed application icon
+ added Theme auto
+ added reading of definition via TTS
+ new screen Community
+ new screen Dictionary source/(long) click on dictionary source
+ new screen Abbreviations/(long) click on abreviations
+ formatting improvements
+ custom sorting in History
+ different way of deleting in History
+ corrected sorting in Wordlist
+ you can now translate definitions in 3 languages at the same time
+ better support for tablets
+ many small improvements

DEX 17

+ you can now translate definitions using Google Translate

DEX 16.8

+ you can now share definitions and Word of the Day/Month as beautiful images on Facebook, etc

DEX 16.7

* reparat bug-uri

DEX 16.6

* reparat bug-uri

DEX 16.5

* bugfixing

DEX 16.4

+ Paradigm screen observes dark themes
+ "Psihologia românilor inteligenți" screen observes dark themes

DEX 16.3

+ changed header style for non full creeen
+ Word Mill now shown incorrect answer root term

DEX 16.2

+ definition download is as follows: internet, then offline database (if installed)

DEX 16.1

* emergency bug fixing: application crashed on Android 4.4 because of a lack of compatibility

DEX 16

+ added option to automatically download offline database in the internal memory - see Preferences screeen. Because of this, two new permissions are required WAKE_LOCK, FOREGROUND_SERVICE
+ small improvements

DEX 15.3

+ now you can select a word in any app and look it up into DEX
+ formatting improvements
* fixed bug: sometimes the app would not close using the Back button

DEX 15.2

+ formatting improvements

DEX 15.1

+ formatting improvements
+ notification did not appear on Oreo
+ added double tap zoom on Paradidm section
+ using Back press to navigate through the app

DEX 15

+ added abbreviation formatting
+ added high quality images for buttons
+ added new font - Roboto
+ added double tap zoom on Paradidm section
+ added new reviews
+ using Back press to navigate through the app
+ replaced text shortcuts with images
* fix Nougat bug - cannot export Wordlist
* fixed sound bug - sometimes stopped playing in games

DEX 14.3

+ added key for Word of the Day
+ formatting improvements
* fixed bugs
+ added new reviews

DEX 14.2

* fixed bug - crash when app installed but never stared - empty settings on service code

DEX 14.1

+ small improvements

DEX 14

+ made the interface more fluid - you can now search by simple pressing on a word
+ some lists have a modern look
+ faster download of definitions
+ fixed bug - sometimes the theme was not properly set during restarts

DEX 13.3

* added anti-crash methods

DEX 13.2

* added anti-crash methods

DEX 13.1

+ can play youtube clips in "A Rich Life"

DEX 13

+ added new model Paradigm
+ new widget - Word of the Day
+ new theme for widgets - white background
+ added widget font size preference
+ better definition formatting support
+ better support for device orientation
+ better support for tablets
+ landscape orientation for Hangman
+ added new preference - keep screen awake
+ added blind accessibility support (not finished) - thank you Emanuel Boboiu
+ sorting in the Wordlist
+ added backup server for definitions
+ pinch zoom for articles in A Rich Life

DEX 12.8

+ improved definition formatting

DEX 12.7

* fixed the Word Mill game

DEX 12.6

+ small improvements

DEX 12.5

+ small improvements

DEX 12.4

+ added Reviews module

DEX 12.3

+ performance improvements

DEX 12.2

+ small improvements

DEX 12.1

+ notification for new article on A Rich Life
+ small improvements

DEX 12

+ added module Top Words
+ added module A Rich Life

DEX 11

+ updated interface for tablets

DEX 10.6

+ fixed Marshmallow sdcard issue

DEX 10.5

+ improved definition formatting
+ modified Light theme
+ small improvements

DEX 10.4

+ added page indicator (bottom)
+ small improvements

DEX 10.3

+ added OpenSans font
+ added extra button to delete word (Preferences)
+ small improvements

DEX 10.2

+ small improvements

DEX 10.1

+ modified dark theme
+ small improvements

DEX 10

+ added Word of the Day
+ added Word of the Month

DEX 9.2

+ small improvements

DEX 9.1

+ small improvements

DEX 9.0

+ added game Hangman
+ added game Word mill

DEX 8.8

+ small improvements

DEX 8.7

+ can configure widget color in Preferences

DEX 8.6

+ small improvements

DEX 8.5

+ small improvements

DEX 8.4

+ small improvements

DEX 8.3

+ small improvements

DEX 8.2

+ small improvements

DEX 8.1

+ small improvements

DEX 8.0

+ new design, spectacular :)
+ new implementation of Word list

DEX 7.5

+ small improvements

DEX 7.4

+ small improvements

DEX 7.3

+ small improvements

DEX 7.2

+ vocal search

DEX 7.1

+ small improvements

DEX 7.0

+ major refactoring

DEX 6.9

+ small improvements

DEX 6.8

+ small improvements

DEX 6.7

+ small improvements

DEX 6.6

+ improved formatting for definitions and source
+ multi window support - Samsung

DEX 6.5

+ improved formatting
+ added definition download progressbar
+ show keyboard after deletion of word

DEX 6.4

+ added white flat background

DEX 6.3

+ added black background

DEX 6.2

+ offline database can now be installed on the external card

DEX 6.1

+ updated hints
+ updated offline database

DEX 6.0

+ improved interfaces (dark/light background)
+ offline database can now be installed on the external card
+ application now runs also in fullscreen
+ click on a word in a definition to search by that word
+ definitions can be shared via Facebook Messenger

DEX 5.5

* fixed some widget related issues
+ added visual progress when downloading definitions from the internet
+ added Diacritics in the Preference menu
+ added History in the Preference menu
+ delete single word on the History screen

DEX 5.0

For the widget to work you need to:

  1. install DEX application on the internal memory - the widget won't work if you move the app to the external card (limitation from Android)
  2. install the offline database from here
  3. configure the database path in DEX app, menu option Preferences. The database path can be /sdcard/dex.dict or sdcard/external_sd/dex.dict or where ever you want.You can also copy the database file to the external micro SD card.

DEX 4.9

+ removed "read sensitive log data" permission

DEX 4.8

+ Added fuzzy search - to use it add the plus(+) symbol after the part of the word, like "re+", "tem+". Please mind, the search is VERY slow.
* Small UI changes

DEX 4.5

+ word history (in main screen press the menu key)
+ link to Facebook page - stay up to date with my blog articles and application updates (in the About screen)
+ application flag so you can move it to the SD card
* updated: nicer exception messages (not needed for now, but just in case)
* updated: emailing the wordlist now defaults to text, not attachement
* fixed: interface language changed on rotation of device - in some screens

DEX 4.1

* fixed: adding definition to word list, copy or email did not add the source dictionary in online mode
* fixed: emailing definition in offline mode added the source dictionary name to the end of the link, not at the end of the definition

DEX 4.0

+ word completion hints - also with wildcards
+ ENTER and DPAD starts a definition search
+ ENTER and DPAD toggle soft keyboard
+ menu item Email for definitions
* changed menu item Copy to friendlier character coding
+ Email and Delete word list
+ inverted colors (see Preferences screen)
+ send logs to developer (see About screen)
- removed Internet search delay setting from the Preference Screen

DEX 3.1

+ set definition search delay in Preferences screen

DEX 3.0

+ DEX also works online now (no more need for the offline database)

DEX 2.4

* fix: versioning

DEX 2.3

* fix: preferences kept resetting

DEX 2.2

* small changes in error messages

DEX 2.1

+ added button in the About screen to allow rating app on the Android Market

DEX 2.0

+ weekely check for newer versions of the application.
+ sorting by dictionary source: DEX, DOOM, etc
+ showing explanation source: [DEX], [DOOM], etc
* fixed decreaseing of font size bug - on Motorola Milestone

DEX 1.0

First release


QR Code

Frequently asked questions

  1. Where do I download the dictionary database from?
    You can download the dictionary database from here (~100MB). Also, see tutorial here.
  2. How do I install the dictionary database?
    You must unpack the archive you downloaded from the link from the QA above and copy it to the phones SD card.
    For unpacking you can use Winrar or Winzip. Also, see tutorial here.
  3. Where do I download the Android DEX application from?
    To download the DEX for Android application navigate to the market here Android Market (Phone) or here Android Market (Web)
  4. How to find my Android firmware version?
    You can check the Android firmware version by going to your phone, go to Home, press Menu and choose Settings, scroll down to About phone then look for Firmware version.
  5. What does “Dictionary database file does not exist at location…. DEX is an OFFLINE dictionary so you need to manually download the dictionary database and copy it to the SD card.” mean?
    This means the dictionary database was not found on the SD card. Please make sure you downloaded the dictionary database (see QA#1) and copied it to the phones SD card (see QA#2). Also check the Preferences screen in the DEX application to see you match the right path.
    Suggested solution: install the database (see QA#1 and QA#2).
  6. What does “Dictionary file from location … cannot be opened” mean?
    This means a file is found in the path, but it’s not the correct dictionary database. Please make sure you have the database file and not a random file with the same name of the database.
    Suggested solution: reinstall the database (see QA#2).
  7. What does “Dictionary file from location … is not a valid dictionary” mean?
    This means the database is probably corrupt due to an unfinished download or other causes.
    Suggested solution: reinstall the database (see QA#1 and QA#2).
  8. What does “Word list file from location … cannot be created.” mean?
    The application cannot create the file at the specified location.
    Suggested solution: change the word list location in the Preferences screen.
  9. What does “Word list file from location … cannot be created because of security reasons” mean?
    The application cannot create the file at the specified location because the application does not have enough security rights.
    Suggested solution: change the word list location in the Preferences screen.
  10. What does “Word list file from location … cannot be written.” mean?
    The application cannot write in the file at the specified location.
    Suggested solution: restart application. If you get the same message then change the word list location in the Preferences screen.
  11. What does “Word list file from location … cannot be closed.” mean?
    The application cannot close the file at the specified location. Some words you added in the word list may be lost.
    Suggested solution: restart application. If you get the same message then change the word list location in the Preferences screen.
  12. What does “An unexpected exception has been raised.” mean?
    An exception that we did not prepare for was raised.
    Suggested solution: restart application.
  13. What does “An unexpected Sql exception has been raised.” mean?
    A database related exception that we did not prepare for was raised.
    Suggested solution: restart application. If you get the same message then reinstall the database (see QA#1 and QA#2).
  14. I would like to send suggestions, questions or requests. How do I contact you?
    Navigate to the Contact section.
  15. I am a programmer and I am interested in Android, J2ME, etc. Do you have a blog with interesting articles?
    Yes, my blog address is
    If you are an Android programmer, you must check this link out


Thanks and database copyright, go to

Thanks for the inspiration and sqlite database goes to Octavian Rasnita

Thanks for implementation details, advice, design, features and testing go to Catalin Francu, Radu Borza, Dana Puscau, Dan-Liviu Popa, Ovidiu Maritan, Mihaela Marin, Eduard Stan, Horatiu Mantescu, Roberto Cervantes and Ryan Heath.


Suggestions, questions and requests are always welcomed at

Stay up to date with new releases of my applications and new blog articles by connecting to my Facebook page.

My blog address is
If you are an Android programmer, you must check this link out


Stay up to date with new releases of my applications and new blog articles by connecting to my Facebook page.

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Copyright © 2013 - 2020 Adrian Vintu